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美国科罗拉多州立大学 Eugene Y.-X. Chen 教授做客南开有机化学讲座

来源:元素有机化学国家重点实验室   发布时间:2023/11/24

11月22日,美国科罗拉多州立大学 Eugene Y.-X. Chen 教授应元素有机化学国家重点实验室邀请做客南开有机化学讲座,与重点实验室师生交流互动之余,下午在石先楼学术报告厅做了题为“Design Principles and Synthetic Methodologies in the New Era of Polymer Science”的学术报告。会议由重点实验室王晓晨教授主持,重点实验室师生近100人参加了此次学术交流。

在报告开始前,重点实验室副主任汤平平教授首先代表重点实验室向Eugene Y.-X. Chen 教授颁发了“南开有机化学讲座”的证书牌。报告中,陈教授首先回顾了年轻时在南开的求学经历,然后从高分子类型和碳循环入手,提出了可循环高分子的理想状态,认为高分子的循环需要因地制宜。随后,陈教授系统介绍了其课题组在高分子合成研究方面的多项开创性工作,分享了其在单体设计、聚合物偶联、手性单体可控聚合等方面的经验和相关理论依据,并对未来研究方向进行了展望。报告之后,陈教授与老师和同学们进行了精彩的互动,在场同学们纷纷表示受益良多。

Eugene Y.-X. Chen 教授简介:

Eugene Chen received his master degree from Nankai University. He earned his Ph.D. degree from The University of Massachusetts, Amherst, in 1995. After a postdoctoral stint at Northwestern University, he joined The Dow Chemical Company in late 1997, where he was promoted to Project Leader. He moved to Colorado State University as Assistant Professor in August 2000 and rose through the ranks to become Associate Professor in 2006 and Full Professor in 2009. He has been appointed as the Millennial Professor of Polymer Science and Sustainability since 2012, the John K. Stille Endowed Chair Professor in Chemistry since 2017, and a University Distinguished Professor since 2020. His current research is centered on polymer science, sustainable chemistry, and molecular catalysis. Selected honors and awards related to this lecture topics include: Excellence in Commercialization Award in 2012 by the Colorado Cleantech Industry Association; the Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award in 2015 by the US Government’s Environmental Protection Agency; and the Arthur Cope Mid-Career Scholar Award in 2019 by the American Chemical Society.